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Guide on Effectively Cleaning Pet Urine from Carpets

Dealing with Pet Accidents on Carpets

For many pet owners, discovering a pet accident on the carpet is relatively usual. But don’t worry - with the right approach, you can remove stains and make your carpet look spotless again.

Understanding Pet Urine on Carpets

Pet urine is one of the trickiest carpet stains for a homeowner to get rid of. When a pet first urinates on your carpet, the pH is around five or six. However, after 24 hours, the urine becomes alkaline, which creates an ideal environment for bacteria. As a preventative measure, you should clean the spot as soon as possible.

Take Action Quickly!

You have a better chance of permanently eliminating pet stains and odours if you act quickly. Urine and fecal matter contain proteins that can bind to carpet fibres, making stains worse over time. Our pet treatments can loosen and liquefy these binding proteins, but a fast response is essential.

DIY pet pee stains removal

4-Step DIY Method to Clean Pet Urine from Carpets

OneTwoClean | Carpet Cleaning Calgary experts recommend the following steps when dealing with pet urine stains:

Stain Absorption: Place a wet towel on the pet stain and stand on it for two minutes to absorb as much urine as possible. Let it rest for 24 hours.

Hydrogen Peroxide Solution: Use a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution available at any supermarket or drugstore. Soak the affected area thoroughly, reaching down to the underlay. Hydrogen peroxide is excellent for neutralizing urine stains and odours while sanitizing the area.

Post-Towel: Place two clean towels on the treated area and add a weight. This allows moisture to wick up into the towels, assisting in stain removal.

Final Touch: That’s it! With these steps, you can effectively remove pet urine from carpets.

Need Professional Assistance?

Accidents happen, and sometimes DIY methods aren’t enough. If you have multiple pet urine spots throughout the room, we highly recommend hiring a professional carpet cleaning service. Our experts at OneTwoClean are here to help. We have the skills and experience to tackle even the toughest pet stains and odours.

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